Personality List

    Relation Between MBTI Type and Your Career

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    The MBTI type and your career can be related in a few ways. People who prefer sensing and thinking tend to do well in careers that require analytical and logical skills. Those who prefer intuition and feeling tend to do well in careers that require creativity and empathy. People who prefer sensation and intuition may do well in careers that require both logical and creative skills. People who prefer thinking and feeling may do well in careers that require both analytical and empathy skills.

    People who prefer sensation may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of the physical world. People who prefer intuition may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of the abstract world. People who prefer thinking may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of systems and how they work. People who prefer feeling may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of emotions and how they work.

    People who prefer sensation may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of the physical world. People who prefer intuition may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of the abstract world. People who prefer thinking may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of systems and how they work. People who prefer feeling may do well in careers that require a strong understanding of emotions and how they work.

    Here is a list of personality types and most suitable career paths for them;

    INFP: Artists, Musicians, Counselors, Therapists

    ENFP: Journalists, Marketers, Event Planners, Recruiters

    INFJ: Psychologists, Social Workers, Lawyers, Teachers

    ENFJ: Politicians, Salespeople, Event Planners, Recruiters

    INTP: Scientists, Engineers, Researchers, Analysts

    ENTP: Entrepreneurs, Salespeople, Marketers, Consultants

    INTJ: Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, Scientists

    ENTJ: Business Executives, Politicians, Military Leaders, Salespeople

    ISFP: Artists, Musicians, chefs, Photographers

    ESFP: Performers, Athletes, Event Planners, Recruiters

    ISFJ: Nurses, Teachers, Childcare Workers, Social Workers

    ESFJ: Event Planners, Recruiters, Public Relations Specialists, Salespeople

    ISTJ: Accountants, Financial Analysts, Bookkeepers, Budget Analysts

    ESTJ: Business Executives, Military Leaders, Politicians, Salespeople

    ISTP: Mechanics, Auto Technicians, Engineers, Scientists

    ESTP: Business Executives, Entrepreneurs, Salespeople, Politicians

    Conclusion, The MBTI type can give some insight into what careers might be a good fit for someone, but it is not the definitive guide. There are many other factors to consider when choosing a career, such as interests, skills, and values.

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