Personality List

    New Fish Guard Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of New Fish Guard? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for New Fish Guard from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.

    New Fish Guard

    ENTP (XwX)

    New Fish Guard personality type is ENTP, and that's what I fell into. I thought I would be a pretty neat fish guard, but after having a lot of conversations like this one, I'm starting to think that I was wrong."

    "You're pretty cool, actually," the chief said. "I think we could probably work with you, fish guard or not."

    "Maybe," the fish guard replied. "But the fish guard leader is really intense and doesn't like me very much. They say I'm too passive and not aggressive enough. That I don't understand the concept of the fish guard. But sometimes I think it's good not to be a fish guard," the fish guard said, a thoughtful expression on his face.

    "You're a lot different than I expected," the chief said. "I thought you would be a great fish guard, but that's not what you are. You're a lot cooler than that."

    The fish guard's face suddenly lit up. "Ohh, you think so?" he asked excitedly. "I never thought you'd say that." He suddenly turned to the chief. "Would you mind if I had a chat with your people?" he asked.

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