Personality List

    Rooster Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Rooster? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Rooster from The Shawshank Redemption 1994 and what is the personality traits.


    ISFP (3w2)

    Rooster personality type is ISFP, which is the author of this blog. ISFPs are often quiet, shy, sensitive people who prefer to be alone. They are very private and do not like to open up to others. ISFPs prefer to work by themselves and focus on their personal projects. But they do love to talk to close friends about their work and their ideas.

    ISFPs are also known as the Artist. They are mainly creative, artistic, and imaginative people who are very sensitive to feelings of others. They are often artistic or creative in their personal lives as well.

    ISFPs are known for being very gentle, soft-spoken, and quiet people. They are also very sensitive to criticism. ISFPs are highly intuitive and are capable of having deep emotional bonds with other people. They are very loyal friends and loyal lovers too. They can be great lovers, but they are extremely sensitive people who may set themselves up for the “hurt feelings” trap too often.

    ISFPs have a sweet, gentle, loving, and caring nature. They are very artistic and creative people who generally don’t like to fight or argue.

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