What is the personality type of Muzaffer Koroğlu “Muzo”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Muzaffer Koroğlu “Muzo” from Camdaki Kiz 2021 and what is the personality traits.
Muzaffer Koroğlu “Muzo” personality type is INFJ, she is a Seni (artist, poet, writer) and a Kültür (culture) personality type.
“Muzo” personality type is neither a “Kültür” or a “Seni” personality type.
“Muzo” personality type is an of the “Seni” type, in other words he is a Sevilen İnsan (a noble-minded person).
“Muzo” personality type is simply a “Seni” personality type, who has become a “Kültür” personality type.
In my book (the book on the Personality Type Indicator), I call Bahçeşehir University students (the “Muzo” personality type) as “Seni-Kültür” personality types.
Actually, the Bahçeşehir University students are not “Seni-Kültür” personasilyes.