Personality List

    Muherr Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Muherr? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Muherr from Hunter X Hunter and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w2)

    Muherr personality type is ISTJ, ISTP, or ISFP.”

    After being tested for this personality type, the results were overwhelmingly positive. And she was able to take it a step further by doing her own research on the internet for the ISTJ personality type, ISTP personality type, and ISFP personality type. After doing some intense research, she found out that she truly was an ISTJ. She then did tests again to make sure her results were accurate. And after doing this, she still concluded that she was an ISTJ.

    She went on to say that other people were surprised by her determination to discover her true identity. She shared how other people thought she was weird for wanting to discover who she really was. But for her, this was a very important step in finding herself. She shared how everything she did was to find her true identity.

    She went on to say that she was getting tired of everyone telling her who she was supposed to be. Things were not going where she thought they were going to go. She shared how she was not happy with the person she was becoming. For her, it was time to take a look at herself and figure out who she really wanted to be.

    Muherr (ミュヘル, Myuheru) is a mercenary affiliated with Beyond Netero and who also seems to be an old acquaintance of Ging Freecss. He was an examinee in the 289th Hunter Exam, but failed in the Final Phase.

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