What is the personality type of Kona Furugoori (Frau Koujiro)? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kona Furugoori (Frau Koujiro) from Robotics;notes and what is the personality traits.
Kona Furugoori (Frau Koujiro) personality type is ENTP, with a secondary of ENFJ.
Personality type is not an exact science, but it is a good approximation.
INTP’s are traditionally deep, thoughtful, curious, analytical people. They are typically known for being very intelligent, brilliant, creative, and “out there” in their thinking. This is why they are often seen as being “the rebels” of the MBTI world.
ENFJ’s are typically warm, gentle, caring people who want to help others. They are known for being the most giving of the four types, willing to give of themselves for others.
ENTPs are not typically the most outgoing of all types. However, when they are in their element, they are typically very charming, funny, warm, and engaging with others. They are known to be “the best listeners” of all types.
Kona Furugoori (Frau Koujiro) in my opinion is a very well-balanced ENTP. She is in her element when she is in the studio, surrounded by her instruments and surrounded by music.
Kona Furugoori (古郡 こな), better known by her alias, Frau Koujiro (神代 フラウ), is the creator of Kill-Ballad. She moves to Tanegashima in search of her missing mother and later joins the Robotics Club as the team's programmer to help realize Gunvarrel.