What is the personality type of Kirigaya Kazuto? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Kirigaya Kazuto from Sword Art Online Abridged and what is the personality traits.
Kirigaya Kazuto personality type is INTJ, a rare personality type in which a person is a combination of "The Architect" and "The Daredevil."
In the chart below, Kirigaya Kazuto's personality is color-coded based on the dominant colors in his personality type-- INTJs are represented by purple, ENTPs are represented by green, and ISTJs are represented by orange.
INTJ Kirigaya Kazuto
Color-Coding Kirigaya Kazuto's Personality Type: INTJ
INTJ Kirigaya Kazuto is a rare personality type, and only about 8% of the population is this type. This rare personality type is made up of a rare combination of "The Architect" and "The Daredevil," and Kirigaya Kazuto is an INTJ.
When Kirigaya Kazuto was born, his personality type was written into his DNA. Kirigaya Kazuto was born with a rare personality type that makes him such a great character.
Kirigaya Kazuto's Personality Type: "The Architect"
Kirigaya Kazuto's personality type is the rare combination of "The Architect" and "The Daredevil," and it's an INTJ personality type.