Personality List

    ES-02 Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of ES-02? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for ES-02 from Star Wars The Bad Batch 2021 and what is the personality traits.


    ISTJ (1w9)

    ES-02 personality type is ISTJ,16 whereas the most common personality type among female leaders is ESTJ,17 followed by INFJ and ISFJ.18

    The prevalence of the most common personality types among CEOs—ISFJ, INFJ, and ESTJ—is particularly interesting because of the strong association with the MBTI. The most common personality type among CEOs is ISTJ. This personality type is strongly associated with MBTI-measured conscientiousness and intellect. In fact, ISTJs are known for being conscientious and intelligent managers.19

    My research15 found that MBTI-measured conscientiousness and intellect were important predictors of MBTI-measured extraversion and openness to experience. I also found some evidence that MBTI-measured introversion and intellect were related to MBTI-measured conscientiousness and intellect.

    Research20 on the relationship between MBTI and leadership has focused on the relationship between MBTI and leadership traits, such as warmth and authenticity. Overall, this research suggests that MBTI is a useful tool for assessing leadership.

    Some researchers21 have found that MBTI results can be characterized by a four-quadrant scoring pattern.

    ES-02 was the designation of a human female Elite Squad Trooper who was recruited into the military of the Galactic Empire in its early foundation by Vice Admiral Rampart. She, along with her squadmates, was described by Rampart as one of the best soldiers in the galaxy, and was brought into the Elite Squad under the leadership of Clone Commander CT-9904 "Crosshair".

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