Personality List

    Thesan Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Thesan? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Thesan from A Court Of Thorns & Roses Series and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (2w1)

    Thesan personality type is ISFJ, which means that Thesan is a Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging type. These letters tell us a lot about Thesan – Introverted – She takes the time to become well-rounded and understand herself before sharing her feelings with others Sensing – She is very aware of her environment and is good at sensing what people are feeling and what they need Feeling – She feels things very intensely and is very sensitive to the needs of others Judging – She is good at understanding how people work and balances her own needs with those of others.

    Thesan’s strengths are:

    Being a hard worker and a great listener

    Being a good communicator and natural leader

    Being a great listener and communicator

    Having a keen eye for detail

    Having a great eye for detail and detail oriented

    Having a good eye for detail and detail oriented

    Having a strong intuition

    Thesan’s weaknesses are:

    Being too sensitive and not being able to take criticism

    Being too sensitive and not being able to take criticism

    Being too sensitive and not being able to take criticism

    Being too sensitive and not being able to take criticism

    In Etruscan Religion and mythology, Thesan is the Etruscan goddess of the dawn, divination and childbirth and was associated with the generation of life. She was identified with the Roman Aurora and Greek Eos. However, she was also interpretio graeca with Leucothea and interpretio romana with Mater Matuta. In Etruria, she received offerings together with the sun god Usil in the liber linteus. She was especially worshipped at Caere and the city's harbor Pyrgi, where a singular series of ‘‘daybreak antefixes was excavated. Thesan was depicted with wings and sometimes nude, such as a clay acroterium from Astrone valley.

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