Personality List

    Azure King Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Azure King? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Azure King from Bungou Stray Dogs and what is the personality traits.

    Azure King

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Azure King personality type is ISTJ, which means that he is a dutiful, organized, and responsible individual who values truth and accountability. This dutifulness is evident in his consistent attendance at church services, his diligence in doing his job, and his high level of responsibility for the well-being of his children. He's also the kind of guy who is always on time, and he has a particular fondness for wearing suits.

    He has a strong sense of duty to individuals, institutions, and God. He is also driven by rationality and logical thinking. He is also very reliable and reliable.

    It's important for him to be on time for meetings, because he thinks that being late is disrespectful to people. He also has a tendency to be very judgmental of others, which can sometimes be annoying.

    King also has a very high level of responsibility for the well-being of others. He's very protective of his children, often spending hours with them after school, teaching them about God. He is also very loyal to his friends, who are often his closest confidants.

    King is very dependable, so he is good at taking responsibility for his duties, work, and responsibilities.

    The Azure King (蒼き王, Aoki Ō) was the mastermind behind the Azure Banner Terrorist Incident who targeted and destroyed government facilities. He was known as the worst and most destructive domestic terrorist threat of postwar Japan.

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