Personality List

    Koreyoshi Kitamura Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Koreyoshi Kitamura? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Koreyoshi Kitamura from Death Note and what is the personality traits.

    Koreyoshi Kitamura

    ISTJ (1w2)

    Koreyoshi Kitamura personality type is ISTJ, which is the intelligence/sensing/thinking type, which is also known as the "guardian" or "protector" type. It's the second most common type in the world (after ISFJ, which is the caring/perceiving/judging type), and it's pretty typical of the Japanese people. The ISTJ personality type is very similar to the INTP personality type, but has stronger focus on logic and order. It's part of the "thinking" or "logic" function.

    Kitamura's ISTJ personality type is very typical of the Japanese people. It's part of the "thinking" or "logic" function. Kitamura's personality type is very typical of the Japanese people. Kitamura's personality type is very typical of the Japanese people. Kitamura's personality type is very typical of the Japanese people.

    Kitamura's ISTJ personality type is very typical of the Japanese people. It's part of the "thinking" or "logic" function. The ISTJ personality type is very similar to the INTP personality type, but has stronger focus on logic and order. It's part of the "thinking" or "logic" function.

    The Deputy Director of the National Police Agency and Soichiro Yagami's superior.

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