Personality List

    Anna Grodzka Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Anna Grodzka? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Anna Grodzka from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Anna Grodzka

    ESFJ (3w4)

    Anna Grodzka personality type is ESFJ, or Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. “Extraverts make the first move; Sensors perceive; Feelers feel; Judgers decide.” (Carl Jung)

    Dominant: “You make the first move; you make the first impression.”

    Inferior: “Others have the last word.”

    Grundzüge der Persönlichkeitsforschung, The Fundamentals of Personality Research, by Hans-Joachim Maaz, 1961.

    One of the most important personality book of the twentieth century, Grundzüge der Persönlichkeitsforschung by Hans-Joachim Maaz has been translated into English as The Fundamentals of Personality Research. The first edition appeared in German in 1961, and a revised edition was published in 1967.

    This book is a classic example of a classic book that is both a classic and a classic because it is a classic. It has stood the test of time and continues to be a source of reference for anyone seeking to understand human personality. It is not a book that is read only once and then put away forever.

    Anna Grodzka (born 16 March 1954) is a Polish politician. Grodzka, a trans woman, was elected to the Sejm in the 2011 Polish parliamentary elections as a candidate for the left-liberal Palikot's Movement, and was the first openly transgender Member of Parliament in Poland. In June 2014, Anna Grodzka joined Poland's Green Party.

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