Personality List

    Jerzy Urban Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Jerzy Urban? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Jerzy Urban from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Jerzy Urban

    ENTP (7w8)

    Jerzy Urban personality type is ENTP, which to us means a person who loves to solve problems and puzzles, but in a quite innovative way. He has a great sense of humor, a sharp mind and a highly developed ability to see things from a different perspective. He has a strong desire to learn and to teach. He is deeply committed to personal development, sees everything from a theoretical point of view and is ready to discuss any abstract topic. The only problem is that he has no down-to-earth skills, is not very creative and can be pompous at times.

    We strongly advice to take the advice of the ENTP in the interests of your personal development, to avoid over-the-top self-importance and to improve your skills in communication. We also recommend you to use the creativity side of the ENTP to discover new methods and techniques in order to create new products or services or to come up with a new business idea.

    Jerzy Urban (Polish pronunciation: [ˈjɛʐɨ ˈurban]) (born 3 August 1933 as Jerzy Urbach) is a Polish journalist, publicist, writer, politician and video blogger.

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