Personality List

    Luigi de Magistris Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Luigi de Magistris? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Luigi de Magistris from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Luigi de Magistris

    ENFJ (1w2)

    Luigi de Magistris personality type is ENFJ, which means that this type is predominantly Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging.

    Luigi de Magistris’s strengths are in the Extraverted and Intuitive function. His weakness is in the Feeling function.

    Luigi de Magistris’s natural leadership skills are in the Extraverted function.

    Concerning his weaknesses, his main one is his Feels, which he tends to use in order to make people feel good.

    His second weakness is in the Judging function, which makes it hard for him to understand others.

    As far as his strengths are concerned, he is very good at making connections between people and things. He is also very good at motivating people.

    He is also very good at finding the right way to speak to people, both in terms of expressing himself and in terms of leading people.

    Luigi de Magistris’s lifestyle is very active. He likes to be involved in everything. He loves doing things for other people and passionately supports other people’s projects.

    Luigi de Magistris’s emotions are very intense. He can get very upset by the death of someone he loves.

    Luigi de Magistris (born 20 June 1967) is an Italian politician and a former prosecutor, currently the mayor of Naples.

    He started his career as a public prosecutor in 1995 and worked in Naples from 1998 to 2002. He was deputy public prosecutor in Catanzaro from 2002 to 2009 and was a Member of the European Parliament (MEP). His investigations have frequently focused on links between politicians and the Mafia.

    In 2011, de Magistris ran for the Mayor of Naples as the candidate of Italy of Values. He won in the second round, defeating the right-wing candidate Gianni Lettieri with 65% of the vote.

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