Personality List

    Petr Fiala Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Petr Fiala? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Petr Fiala from Government Europe and what is the personality traits.

    Petr Fiala

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Petr Fiala personality type is ISTJ, or the “Sage” or “Teacher.” The ISTJ personality type is the most common personality type in the world, making up 26 percent of the world’s population. ISTJ personality types are commonly found in occupations involving education, training, and especially teaching.

    ISTJ personality types are usually reserved, dependable, and responsible. They strive to do their best at everything they do, and they are often seen as quite organized. ISTJ personality types are typically seen as the best teachers in the classroom because they are highly devoted to their students. They are hardworking and meticulous in their methods of instruction.

    ISTJs are always thinking about how they can help others, and they are often viewed as very good listeners. They are typically very ambitious, but they are also typically very settled in their careers. They are very focused on making sure that their students are doing well in their classes.

    ISTJs are usually very punctual when it comes to meeting deadlines. They are extremely loyal to their employers and their co-workers, and they work very hard to ensure that their co-workers have what they need to be successful in their jobs.

    Petr Fiala (born 1 September 1964) is a Czech politician, political scientist and university professor who has been Leader of the Civic Democratic Party (ODS) since 2014.

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