Personality List

    Francis Ford Coppola Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Francis Ford Coppola? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Francis Ford Coppola from Film Directors and what is the personality traits.

    Francis Ford Coppola

    INTJ (8w9)

    Francis Ford Coppola personality type is INTJ, which stands for Intuitive Thinking, Judgment, and Perception. He is an Intuitive Thinker who makes his decisions based on his Introverted Judgment, but he is also a Judging Perceiver.

    Like most INTJs, Coppola often thinks in black and white, not shades of gray. He sees things as either right or wrong, good or bad. He's very aware of his own opinions and will fight for them. He can be quite dramatic, especially when he stands up for his ideas.

    Like the INTJ type, Francis Ford Coppola is an introvert. But he also has dominant Thinking traits. He's decisive, organized, and clear-headed. He's also hard-working and productive.

    When it comes to his artistic pursuits, Coppola doesn't let other people's opinions influence him. He trusts his own instincts and doesn't let other people's opinions sway him from making the best decisions for his projects.

    One of the things that makes Coppola so great at making movies is his ability to tell stories that people relate to. For example, he made the classic The Godfather into a film that everyone could connect to.

    Francis Ford Coppola (US: ; born April 7, 1939) is an American film director, producer, screenwriter and film composer. He was a central figure in the New Hollywood wave of filmmaking.After directing The Rain People (1969), he co-wrote the 1970 film Patton, earning the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay along with co-writer Edmund H. North.

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