Personality List

    Meredith Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Meredith? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Meredith from Victorious 2010 and what is the personality traits.


    ESFJ (9w1)

    Meredith personality type is ESFJ, which is a Feeling/Perceiving type. They are driven by their values and strive to live up to the expectations of the people around them. They are warm, friendly, and caring. They are also very loyal and protective of the people they care about. ESFJs will offer guidance, support, and a listening ear to their friends and family.

    ESFJs are the most giving of the introverted personality types. Because of this, they often have a hard time taking care of themselves. They have a hard time setting boundaries and being selfish when it comes to time with their loved ones. Instead, they put their energies into helping others by being supportive and giving advice.

    ESFJs are often seen as being kind, warm, and friendly. They have a knack for making people feel better about their circumstances and seeing the good in others. People with this personality type are often regarded as being “The Man” in a group of friends. This makes sense, because ESFJs are so loyal, giving, and at times, even a bit naïve when it comes to the way people act around them.

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