Personality List

    Badlands Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Badlands? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Badlands from Dream Smp and what is the personality traits.


    ISFJ (1w9)

    Badlands personality type is ISFJ, which stands for Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging.

    ISFJ personalities are the guardians, the protectors, the supplicants. They will either walk a path of service or a path of defense, and neither path is easy.

    ISFJs are the most giving, loyal, and trustworthy people you will ever meet. They are sensitive to the needs of others, and they will go to great lengths to fulfill those needs.

    ISFJs are sensitive to criticism or harsh words, and they often take those words to heart. They will put themselves last, and they will work hard to make up for those who have been hurt by their actions.

    Their dedication and service can be impressive, and at times even admirable. But ISFJs can also be very...well... stubborn. They will hold on to their beliefs and their values with a fierce grip.

    ISFJs will only engage in activities that they truly enjoy and which help them fulfill their needs. If they find themselves unhappy, they will withdraw from their family and friends.

    These people hate conflict, and they often take the path of least resistance.

    The Badlands is a faction that was formed by various server members who were neutral during The Manberg Rebellion, with the goal of maintaining eternal conflict between the other factions. It was founded on October 16, 2020, and it gained it's independence on November 16, 2020. Its original members were BadBoyHalo, Antfrost, and Awesamdude, with Skeppy joining the faction later, just before the Manberg vs Pogtopia War. It's key builds include the Quartz Mansion, Antfrost's Animal Sanctuary, and Pandora's Vault.

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