Personality List

    Foolish JR Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Foolish JR? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Foolish JR from Dream Smp and what is the personality traits.

    Foolish JR

    ENFP (9w1)

    Foolish JR personality type is ENFP, the Idealist. ENFPs are very idealistic and often see the world in a positive light, despite the evidence to the contrary. They want to see the best in people and situations, but if you are to classify a person as a FJ, you will either see them as being completely unrealistic or completely cynical and jaded.

    FJ personalities are often categorized as being cynical and jaded, according to ENFPs tend to be optimistic and idealistic, so they might not be as jaded as they seem.

    The FJ personality is more likely to be seen as unrealistic, since they always seek out the good in people, situations, things and ideas. ENFPs often see the good in everything and everyone, even if that isn’t necessarily true.

    They may have a high IQ and can be very intelligent, but they lack the real-world experience that comes with age. These types of people will often overestimate their own abilities, which is why they might seem more idealistic than realistic.

    FJ personalities are more likely to be seen as idealistic, especially by other ENFPs.

    A totem of undying that Foolish has as his son. Foolish claimed that Foolish JR has been alive for about one year, but it is unknown if this was meant to be a joke or not. Foolish only takes him out of the ender chest on special occasions.

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