Personality List

    Ms. Stoeger Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Ms. Stoeger? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Ms. Stoeger from Clueless 1995 and what is the personality traits.

    Ms. Stoeger

    ISTP (7w8)

    Ms. Stoeger personality type is ISTP, which is a rare type, and the ISTP is a highly individualistic person. So I’ve been hearing a lot about how a lot of ISTPs aren’t very good at collaborating. And that’s probably true.

    I have been hearing from a lot of ISTPs that they have a hard time collaborating. They have a hard time working with others. They’re very independent and they get along better on their own. And they can get along with other people if they have to, but they don’t have to. They get along with other people better when they’re doing things on their own. Then they have a little more freedom to be a little more creative and to be a little more individualistic and a little less collaborative. But I think a lot of their independence is because they’re not very social people; they don’t like to be in large groups of people without their friends.

    And the personality types that are most like ISTPs are ENFPs, ENTPs, and ESFPs, which are the extroverted intuitive personality types.

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