Personality List

    Sexual Nine Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sexual Nine? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sexual Nine from Enneagram Subtypes and what is the personality traits.

    Sexual Nine

    ISFJ (9w1)

    Sexual Nine personality type is ISFJ, ISFJ, ISFJ, and (ISFJ) (all where (ISFJ) means anything except (ISFJ).

    The SJ-NF personality type is:

    SJ - Introverted, Sensing, Judging, iNtuitive, SeIzING, FeelinG, ThinkinG, PerceivinG

    NF - Extraverted, Feeling, iNtuitive, SpEakinG, ThinkinG, NegotiatinG

    SJ-NF personality types are usually quiet and reserved and can be quite shy. They are typically very good with people and usually enjoy the company of others. They may be the most introverted and solitary of all the personality types. The SJ-NF personality type may be very emotional and sensitive and feels things deeply without expressing them. They may appear very quiet and reserved and not express much of their feelings. They typically have a strong need to feel close to others and find it difficult to be alone. They will often seek the company of others and will enjoy spending time with others. They may seek to understand other people's emotions and often feel sympathy for others.

    This subtype fuses deeply with significant others in relationships as a strategy to feed their sense of self and sense of comfort. They tend to feel more secure when partnered with others and may find it challenging to be on their own. They are resistant to paying attention to themselves, their passions and desires and tend to go along with the preferences of others, even if this means sacrificing their own plans and needs.

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