Personality List

    Tobias Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Tobias? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tobias from Mr Robot 2015 and what is the personality traits.


    INFJ (2w1)

    Tobias personality type is INFJ, the most rare type, with only 1% of the population being INFJs. INFJs are more introverted than the other two types and this is what makes them so mysterious. They can be shy, reserved, and very quiet. They tend to be more private than INTJs and although INTJs can appear arrogant, INFJs are more likely to be perceived as shy and reserved. Together, the three types make up the "Te" triad and are referred to as introverted intuition (INFJ), introverted thinking (INTJ) and extroverted feeling (ESTJ).

    What is the INFJ personality type?

    INFJ Personality Type

    INFJ Personality Type

    INFJ Personality Type

    This type is more rare than the other two, making up only 1% of the population. INFJs are introverted and intuitive, focusing on their own thoughts and feelings. They are taught at a young age that people don't understand them and they are often left alone to think and feel. They often feel misunderstood by people. INFJs are often quiet and reserved, but can be very passionate people when they are focused on something.

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