What is the personality type of Eric Chong? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Eric Chong from Masterchef Canada and what is the personality traits.
Eric Chong personality type is ISTP, like their partner.
The conversation between the partners is a key factor in this type of relationship. They have good communication skills, so they need to be proactive in starting the conversation. These relations are characterized by a lot of honesty, and this is one of the reasons why they are so successful. However, it is important for them to get things out of their system, and that is why they need to wait for the right moment to express their feelings. The partners are able to think of a solution together, so it’s not necessary for each one to take the lead.
When it comes to the issues with their partners, these individuals are able to show more emotions than what might be expected from them. They do not want to show their vulnerabilities, but the truth is that they are very emotional beings.
Career is one of the areas where these individuals show their preferences. They want to work on something that will allow them to express their creativity. Adventure or travel is a possibility for them, but they also feel comfortable in a secure environment. They do not like working in an office, and they prefer working among others.
Eric Chong was a contestant on Season 1 of MasterChef Canada.
As a Chinese-Canadian university student, Eric was seen as a boundless, upbeat and energetic competitor in the competition and someone who wanted to change his life due to his parent's disapproval of his culinary dream in the kitchen. Throughout his run, he was frantic and unpredictable, with the tendency of zig-zagging all over the place when he was a team captain in a team challenge. He also had a very audacious fighting spirit, wanting to over-impress the judges by pushing the envelope off the charts into dangerous territory. His risk taking would either pay off greatly or blow up in his face, and make him look pretentious. Despite his flaws, he showed raw talent, passion, creativity and promising potential. He was initially underestimated by his fellow competitors due to his pretentious over-ambition, unpredictable energy and youth. However, he has since gained respect from the judges.