Personality List

    Sammy Perlman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sammy Perlman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sammy Perlman from Call Me By Your Name 2017 and what is the personality traits.

    Sammy Perlman

    INFJ (5w4)

    Sammy Perlman personality type is INFJ, and I completely agree. This is not to say that I am the same as him, though... because I know I'm not. But this is a very important thing to know about yourself, and it's something I wish I had learned much earlier. You can't change other people, and you can't change other people's perceptions of you. That's what the first book of our series is all about.

    I will say that I don't agree with everything in there, and there were things that I would have said differently if I were writing it. But as a tool to help you understand yourself and to give you a kind of roadmap to where you want your life to go, it's very helpful.

    How has Introverted Intuition changed your life?

    I think I was at a place in my life where I needed a lot of help in making decisions. And, as a consultant, I spend a lot of time listening to other people's stories and trying to help them find the right path for their lives.

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