Personality List

    The Scarecrow Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Scarecrow? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Scarecrow from The Wizard Of Oz 1939 and what is the personality traits.

    The Scarecrow

    ENTP (6w7)

    The Scarecrow personality type is ENTP, the "Independent Thinker" type. This type is described by Wikipedia as having an "entrepreneurial spirit", and they are very likely to be self-employed, or working for themselves. They are also known to be "a bit of a free thinker" and to be "slightly eccentric".

    I know an ENTP/The Scarecrow myself, and he is one of the most brilliant, generous, kind men I have ever met. But he is also "a bit of a free thinker" and he does not always follow convention.

    The ENTP Enneagram type is very likely to be an artist. They are more likely to be visual artists than verbal ones, although they can write (whether fiction or poetry). It is said that some ENTPs are interested in science, while others are interested in technology or electronics.

    I think ENTPs often get on well with the ESTP type, because they both like to take risks, and both like to be more independent than others (both types are more likely to be self-employed than the other four types).

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