Personality List

    Robin Hood Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Robin Hood? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Robin Hood from Robin Hood 1973 and what is the personality traits.

    Robin Hood

    ENTP (7w8)

    Robin Hood personality type is ENTP, the poster child of the community. In many ways, they are a stereotype of a person who thinks for themselves and doesn't give a rat's ass about what others think. They have a very unique way of looking at the world and a unique reason for living in it. The best thing in the world for them is to express their ideas in a way that makes them stand out in a crowd.

    They are the type of person who is never satisfied with their life. They want to change things up and do something different from what everybody else is doing. They want to be the person that other people naturally turn to when they need help or want to learn something new. They want to be that person who everyone takes their problems to and who gives them the answers they were looking for.

    They are adept at putting on a mask and going out in public to fulfill a specific role they have to play. That role is often a funny funny or a mysterious funny or a really funny or a really mysterious one. They are good at it because they are always on the look out for things that will make people laugh or think about them or respect them or think they are funny.

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