Personality List

    Little John Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Little John? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Little John from Robin Hood 1973 and what is the personality traits.

    Little John

    ESFP (7w6)

    Little John personality type is ESFP, meaning that he is an extrovert who loves attention. He is highly excitable, warm, and enthusiastic. The opposite of this type is the ISTJ, meaning he is reserved, quiet, and cold. If you are the type to get up at night to check on your child or have an anxiety about someone being hurt or lost, you might be a little worried about the adventure you are setting him up for. However, this is something you should seriously consider. His need for adventure will be satiated by this trip. He will get to experience what it’s like to be on an exotic island rather than just texting or playing video games all day long. He will learn that real life has its fair share of scary moments, but the entire journey will be a new experience for him.

    He will learn to speak with locals and learn real-world information like:

    Where to find the best food and drink (hint: order food and drinks from locals and not tourists)

    How to get around the island (hint: use public transportation and ask locals for advice)

    How to find cool, unique souvenirs (hint: don’t buy anything from a tourist)

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