Personality List

    Mine Turtle Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mine Turtle? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mine Turtle from Asdfmovie and what is the personality traits.

    Mine Turtle

    ISFP (9w1)

    Mine Turtle personality type is ISFP, which means you are Introverted, Sensitive, Feeling, Perceptive. You are a quiet, thoughtful individual who likes to reflect on your thoughts and feelings in order to share them with others. You are an excellent communicator. You are shy at first, but once you get to know someone, you share your thoughts and opinions easily. You are friendly and sweet, but are not very social or outgoing. You are not comfortable around large groups of people. You prefer to keep to yourself.

    You will enjoy writing poetry, expressing your feelings, writing letters, reading, and painting. You are artistic and creative.

    You are sensitive to the moods of people around you. You have many, many moods that shift constantly. You can be happy one minute and depressed the next. You may have periods of feeling very sad. You are very emotional, but tend to hide it under a crust of seriousness.

    You are very sensitive to negative emotions in others. You have difficulty with conflict. You are more likely to give in to others' requests or demands than to fight for your own needs or desires.

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