Personality List

    George Washington Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of George Washington? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for George Washington from The Council and what is the personality traits.

    George Washington

    ENFJ (XwX)

    George Washington personality type is ENFJ, for example).

    Here are a few examples of what I mean:

    Some women have a “take charge” personality and can be very assertive. I’m one of them.

    Some women have a “shy” personality and can be very quiet at times. I’m one of those women.

    Some women have an “ideal” personality and they can be judgmental and critical of others. I am one of those women, too.

    Some women are very competitive and want to be the best at everything they do. I am this type of woman, too.

    So, the ENFJ personality type has a lot of traits that are like mine. In fact, you can see that we have a lot in common.

    However, there are some differences, as well. For example:

    The ENFJ personality type tends to be more outgoing than I am. I tend to be reserved and private, while the ENFJ personality type tends to be more social and outgoing.

    The ENFJ personality type tends to be more organized than I am.

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