Personality List

    Sanctuary - Grateful Shell Collector Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Sanctuary - Grateful Shell Collector? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Sanctuary - Grateful Shell Collector from Sky Children Of The Light and what is the personality traits.

    Sanctuary - Grateful Shell Collector

    ISFJ (XwX)

    Sanctuary - Grateful Shell Collector personality type is ISFJ, which is the opposite type of the more common SJ. ISFJs are more likely to be warm, affectionate and passionate, whereas SJs are more likely to be cold and detached. The ISFJ is a follower. There is a warmth and empathy toward other people's feelings that ISFJs do not see in SJs. ISFJs are more sensitive to feelings and are much more likely to be compassionate and understanding of people's feelings and needs. Frequently, ISFJs will give people the benefit of the doubt, even when they probably shouldn't. ISFJs are loyal, supportive and committed to their loved ones, and will do just about anything for them. On the other hand, because of the sensitivity of the SJ, they have a tendency to be overly sensitive to criticism and rejection and easily hurt by those who aren't committed to them. They have a tendency to overreact to perceived slights. They are more likely to get defensive and lash out. They are much more likely to take a confrontational approach with others when they do not feel they have been heard or understood.

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