Personality List

    The Cowboy Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of The Cowboy? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for The Cowboy from Fictional Character Archetypes Stock Characters and what is the personality traits.

    The Cowboy

    ISTP (8w9)

    The Cowboy personality type is ISTP, or the Introverted Sensing Thinking Perceiving type. ISTP's are introverted and focused on details. They tend to be efficient in their approach and prefer to keep things simple and clear. ISTP's are generally loyal and dependable, but are also private and reserved. They are practical and realistic, and like to focus on the facts and details of a situation, rather than drawing conclusions or making conjectures. ISTP's are not prone to daydreaming, but rather prefer to focus on tasks at hand. They are private and reserved, but are also loyal and dependable. ISTP's are very practical and down-to-earth, and tend to focus more on the facts and details of a situation, rather than drawing conclusions or making conjectures.

    ISTP Strong preferences:

    Esthetics (appreciating beauty and art)




    Music & singing

    Video games

    ISTP Weak preferences:


    Social & people

    Interacting with people

    Literature & poetry

    Drama & acting

    ISTPs are very private and reserved, but are also loyal and dependable.

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