Personality List

    Moustache Marshall Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Moustache Marshall? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Moustache Marshall from How I Met Your Mother 2005 and what is the personality traits.

    Moustache Marshall

    INTJ (3w4)

    Moustache Marshall personality type is ISTJ, and the first character we see is an ISTJ. He’s a stereotypical ISTJ: calm, logical, and dutiful. When he talks about the time he got stuck in the elevator, it’s as if he’s describing a day in his life. But as we later learn, he was actually trapped in an elevator for days and days and days. And then we see that his friends (the ISTJ types) and family (the ISFJ types) were concerned about him. The ISTJ types didn’t know what was going on – they just saw him as the dutiful, responsible guy who was always there for them.

    And this is how the ISTJ types (and other rational, logical, and dutiful types) can be mistaken for people who want to be alone.

    The ISTJ types who want to be alone are quiet, dutiful, and responsible. But they don’t have conversations with themselves or discuss their feelings with themselves. They don’t have daily routines. They’re not super-organized. They don’t talk to themselves or others about their thoughts, feelings, or experiences.

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