Personality List

    Boston Brand "Deadman" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Boston Brand "Deadman"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Boston Brand "Deadman" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Boston Brand "Deadman"

    ENFP (XwX)

    Boston Brand "Deadman" personality type is ENFP, so it is not surprising that he seems to fit this description. However, his moral compass is not the strongest, and his conscience is not the strongest either. (Compare this to the comic book character Deadman, who was a good guy.) His conscience is also not strong enough to stop him from committing murder or performing other morally questionable actions. This is not the result of an unhealthy conscience; it is because he lacks moral conviction. As another example, he believes that he can deceive Batman (or any other superhero) because he has "the advantage" (i.e., he can see through his disguise). He believes that he can defeat Batman by making him believe that his real identity is Bruce Wayne. However, he never tries to do this, even though he could do so with no effort at all. Why? Because doing so would be "cheating." Again, this is not the result of an unhealthy conscience; it is because he lacks moral conviction.

    The other personality type that seems to be associated with superheroes is the ESFP. ESFPs are generally considered to be people who are "goofy.

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