Personality List

    Cole Cash "Grifter" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Cole Cash "Grifter"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Cole Cash "Grifter" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Cole Cash "Grifter"

    ISTP (7w8)

    Cole Cash "Grifter" personality type is ISTP, a very rare combination. ISTP's are known to be incredibly independent and very self sufficient, but also open minded and trusting.

    ISTP's are known as grifters. They are very independent and do not take orders very well. ISTP's do not like structure and prefer to be left alone as much as possible. They do not like to be told what to do or how to do things.

    ISTP's love to reinvent themselves over and over again. They are constantly changing their interests and hobbies to match the latest fad so they never get bored. ISTP's are a lot like a chameleon, constantly adapting to their surroundings. They have a very unique way of being so they never fit in with a group.

    ISTP's have a very difficult time making friends or making a place for themselves within a group. They don't mind being alone but they also don't like being lonely. They enjoy being alone because they can focus on what they want to do without being distracted by others.

    ISTP's have a love for anything that is new and different, especially if it is illegal or illegal-like.

    Grifter is an ex-soldier turned super-hero and vigilante. His

    firearms expertise makes him an incredible marksman and

    one of the most dangerous men in the world. Through

    Daemonite experimentation, he also gained telepathy and


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