Personality List

    Derek James “Sideways” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Derek James “Sideways”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Derek James “Sideways” from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Derek James “Sideways”

    INFP (4w5)

    Derek James “Sideways” personality type is INFP, the “Impulsive Serenity” of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Within this type, there are subtypes that emerge based on the individual’s emotional landscape. The Sideways is the Seeker, who is driven by “the impulse to seek new sensations and experiences.” Many Seekers are not aware of the activities that fuel their Seeker instincts. They are “passionate explorers of their own internal world” and enjoy experiencing new things and places. Sideways types are often mislabeled as “rebel” types, yet they are actually quite responsible. Sideways types are “loyal, responsible, and dependable.” They are extremely loyal to their friends, family, and loved ones. They are sometimes called “the go-to person” for their ability to calm down others, manage crises, and resolve conflicts. The Seeker is known for their quick-thinking ability to adapt to new situations. They are adaptable, flexible, and open to change. They live in the moment and enjoy exploring new things and experiences. They can be quite reckless and impulsive when bored or in a hurry.

    Sideways (Derek James) is a fictional superhero created by writers Dan DiDio, Justin Jordan, and artist Kenneth Rocafort who appears in media published by DC Comics. Derek James is an 18-year old Puerto Rican high school student who falls through a dimensional rift into the dark matter dimension during the events of Dark Nights Metal. As a result, he gains the power to travel through dimensions.

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