Personality List

    Leslie Willis "Livewire" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Leslie Willis "Livewire"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Leslie Willis "Livewire" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Leslie Willis "Livewire"

    ESTP (XwX)

    Leslie Willis "Livewire" personality type is ESTP, not ESFP. The ESTP will work to understand what's going on, but will disregard the rules when it comes to communicating with others. She or he may be very good in a crisis situation, but lacks the organization and patience needed to be a leader.

    The ESTP, in theory, is an efficiency type. That is, her or his solution is quick and easy - "a fix-it, get-it-done" kind of person. While it might appear that they are not interested in the details of planning, they actually consider the strategy that would work best.

    This is a highly creative, impulsive, and lively person who is often seen as a wild card in the group. They can be fun and humorous, but also can be pretty much inappropriate at times.

    The ESTP has a lot of energy and may be seen as being a bit impulsive. Because this personality type is not normally interested in the details of planning, they make mistakes and are often considered "loose cannons."

    The ESTP's goal may be to overcome the chaos by finding a solution that is quick and easy.

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