Personality List

    Mari McCabe "Vixen" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Mari McCabe "Vixen"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Mari McCabe "Vixen" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Mari McCabe "Vixen"

    ISFJ (1w9)

    Mari McCabe "Vixen" personality type is ISFJ, but I have heard it described as "controlling". It's easy to see from the chart that she is a very strong and determined ISFJ. She has this quality of "knowing what to do" and "knowing exactly where to start, even without knowing why" that is characteristic of many ISFJs.

    To me, it's not entirely clear why she was fired, but I would guess that she was very controlling and bossy, which were two things that were not tolerated in the decision-making environment at the magazine.

    An interesting thing about ISFJs: they are very rarely able to express their feelings, especially negative ones. They may save their feelings for another time, when they are more relaxed, or they may never express them at all. This may be one way in which she was able to control people so effectively.

    ISFJs tend to be very private and reserved with other people. What I gather from this article is that she was a very private person who kept her emotions bottled up for a long time. What I think was going on was that her anger and resentment was building up inside her.

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