Personality List

    William Hand "Black Hand" Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of William Hand "Black Hand"? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for William Hand "Black Hand" from Dc Comics and what is the personality traits.

    William Hand "Black Hand"

    ISTJ (4w5)

    William Hand "Black Hand" personality type is ISTJ, or Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judgment. ISTJs are the most practical of the 16 personality types and they are the most likely to understand that the world is a serious and dangerous place. They are also very loyal to their friends and family. They're fiercely private and prefer to keep to themselves. They dislike being the center of attention because they prefer to be more of a sidekick. They are more detail-oriented than most people, but their ideas are more practical and less creative than other personality types. They prefer to plan and follow through rather than improvise and take risks. ISTJs are the ultimate problem solvers.

    The Black Hand, as it's known, is an ISTJ who has given up on the world, who has become cynical and hardened by life. The Black Hand is not a happy ISTJ. The Black Hand is a depressed ISTJ. The Black Hand is a cynical ISTJ. With each passing year, the Black Hand becomes more and more of an emotional void.

    The Black Hand, as it's known, is an ISTJ who has given up on the world, who has become cynical and hardened by life. The Black Hand is not a happy ISTJ.

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