Personality List

    Chartreux Westia Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Chartreux Westia? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Chartreux Westia from Kishuku Gakkou No Juliet and what is the personality traits.

    Chartreux Westia

    ENTP (7w8)

    Chartreux Westia personality type is ENTP, the second most common type of people on the internet. This is why TypeScript is a great match for them.

    In this article I will explain how TypeScript helps you write more elegant code.

    TypeScript is a statically typed language

    The first reason is TypeScript is a statically typed language.

    When you write in JavaScript you are forced to use dynamic typing. This means that when you write your code you are never sure if it will work because the compiler doesn't know the types of the variables you are using.

    For example if you write something like this:

    var str = "Hello";

    …then you are in fact creating a string object in the global JavaScript namespace, but you are not actually sure if it's a string or an array of characters, or even an object with a string property.

    Learn more about why JavaScript is dynamically typed in this article.

    This problem is solved by TypeScript, which is to dynamically typed language what C++ is to dynamically typed language. TypeScript is statically typed, just like C++. This means that TypeScript can check that your code will work without any runtime errors.

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