Personality List

    Howard Bloom Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Howard Bloom? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Howard Bloom from Activists and what is the personality traits.

    Howard Bloom

    ENTP (5w6)

    Howard Bloom personality type is ENTP, although they can be classified as INTP or INFJ. It doesn’t really matter; we’ll go with ENTP, because we like the acronym as much as the accuracy. Also, as we’ve seen, they’re kind of hard to figure out.

    So, why do we think that Bloom is an ENTP?

    1. They’re masters of disguise. When they don’t want to talk or they’re in a bad mood, they can completely change their personality and turn you off instantly.

    2. They’re super smart and they use their intelligence to change the subject and find an exit strategy. They’ll tell you how smart they are and then you won’t agree with them.

    3. Most ENTPs will allow the conversation to flow in a way that benefits them and them alone. They like to talk about themselves and things that interest them, but when the conversation becomes boring or when they notice that you don’t want to talk about them, they’ll change the subject and ask something else.


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