Personality List

    Entrapta Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Entrapta? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Entrapta from She Ra & The Princesses Of Power 2018 and what is the personality traits.


    ENTP (5w6)

    Entrapta personality type is INTP, which means “intuitive”.

    The INTP personality type is an imaginative, creative, and analytical personality type. They are often described as having a “dry sense of humor”, although they might not always realize it.

    INTPs often feel like their imagination is too active to ever fit into real life. They often feel like they are living in an alternate reality, and their imagination is the only place where they can be truly themselves.

    INTPs seem to use their imagination as a way to explore and understand the world around them. They like to explore the possibilities of reality and to explore ways that they can change and improve their reality.

    Because of this, many people with the INTP personality type tend to be very idealistic and optimistic. They see possibilities everywhere and use their imagination to explore them.

    INTPs can often be seen as “idealists”, because they will often see the best possible outcome possible for any situation. They will often strive to make those possibilities a reality, rather than simply accepting the status quo.

    Entrapta is the princess of Dryl. She is one of the Non-Elemental Princesses and a member of the Rebellion throughout seasons one to three, known for her technology and upbeat comments.

    Entrapta is incredibly hyperactive, cheerful, intelligent, bubbly, and cute. She's kind to everyone she meets, never threatening or harming anyone directly, including robots. She has a very positive outlook on life (even in moments of grave danger), and doesn't seem to mind what's going on around her as long as she can perform her experiments and research. Despite frequent scientific complications, Entrapta finds each failure as an opportunity to learn. She also believes that she herself is a failure but sees the term in a positive light. In spite of her kindness, Entrapta is shown to be rather lonely and can be extremely heartbroken. Due to this, she is vulnerable and can be easily manipulated.

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