What is the personality type of Magica de Spell? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Magica de Spell from Ducktales 1987 and what is the personality traits.
Magica de Spell personality type is INTJ, their Magician personality type is ENTP, and their Charmer personality type is ESTP.
About the MBTI ® test [ edit ]
The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs and is a popular personality questionnaire used in career and education counseling and in research in psychology. It is designed to provide a simple and reliable way to classify people according to their preferences in introversion and extraversion and their respective functions in thinking and feeling. In the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test, a person's preference or strength for each of four personality types or psychological functions is assessed by asking questions about the person's interests, values, preferences, attitudes, reactions, habits, motives, and behaviors.
In an MBTI test, a person's dominant preferences are noted first. The person's preferences for extraversion or introversion are then noted, followed by a brief description of the person's dominant function. Next, the MBTI asks the person to indicate which of the other three functions they use most often. The remaining functions are then described briefly. The fourth function, if one exists, is listed last.