Personality List

    Arthur Curry “Aquaman” Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Arthur Curry “Aquaman”? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Arthur Curry “Aquaman” from Dc Extended Universe and what is the personality traits.

    Arthur Curry “Aquaman”

    ESTP (8w7)

    Arthur Curry “Aquaman” personality type is ESTP, or an Entertainer Sensing Thinking Performer. The ESTP is always ready with a quip or a witty comment, whether it is to his teammates on the football field or to the judges on his favorite TV game show. His team of friends might cause him to be a bit snarky at times, but he is usually willing to forgive and forget. Aquaman is often more than willing to do the hard work of the teamwork, but he is happy to let his teammates take the glory when he decides that they deserve it.

    Aquaman’s favorite pastimes are sports, food, and fun. He loves to play video games, cheer on his sports teams, and eat delicious food. He is happiest when he is working with his friends, whether it is on a team or on a team of one. When he is alone, he can be a bit moody, but he always has a sly smile on his face. He leaves everything up to chance wherever he goes, including the outcome of his own life. Sometimes Aquaman can be impatient with others, but he usually puts up with them until he can get away from them.

    Arthur hides his insecurities and troubled past behind a tough intimidating attitude, choosing to alienate himself from others and almost never showing any sympathy towards anyone. However, he can be more relaxed and friendly around those he trusts and is close to, such as his father and Mera. Despite his somewhat gloomy and fearsome exterior, however, Arthur is ultimately a selfless and compassionate person. Arthur is clearly a thrill-seeker who enjoys adventuring. He'll often employ words such as "badass" and "awesome" to describe his experiences, and even whooping in excitement.

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