Personality List

    Date Tech High Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Date Tech High? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Date Tech High from Haikyuu and what is the personality traits.

    Date Tech High

    ISTJ (9w8)

    Date Tech High personality type is ISTJ, the “caretaker”.

    ISTJs are the “caretakers” of life, and they will often take on a lot of responsibility in a short amount of time. They are responsible, reliable, and hardworking individuals who will hold their position for a long time. They take pride in their work and will never accept anything less than the best from themselves. These types are very loving, loyal, and patient.


    ESTJs are the “doers” of the world. They are leaders who know how to get things done. If they can’t, they will figure it out using their technical knowledge. People with ISTJ personality type are often very hardworking, but ESTJs are even more so. Their work ethic is never-ending, even if they are doing less work than expected. They are often very strong leaders, especially when it comes to giving orders.

    ESTJs are also very practical, logical people who have a bent towards being realistic. They are excellent at developing strategies and plans for their lives. As leaders, they are known for being collectors of information.


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