Personality List

    Misaki Hana Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Misaki Hana? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Misaki Hana from Haikyuu and what is the personality traits.

    Misaki Hana

    ESFJ (1w9)

    Misaki Hana personality type is ESFJ, which most often means that she has a family-oriented personality. She's quite diligent, works hard, and lives by the motto that it is important to keep up appearances. She is most often found working at a cafe or bar, but she will do whatever is needed to help out. She has a very positive outlook on life, and is never one to be down about anything. She's usually the first one to volunteer to help with messes at work or clean up after parties.

    ESFJs have an optimistic view of the world, believing that the best things in life are usually worth waiting for. They also believe that others should take pride in their appearance, and will work hard to make themselves look good. They often take pride in their domestic skills and enjoy cooking and cleaning, and often take care of their family and friends when they need it. ESFJs may take things slightly too far at times, making them seem excessively emotional and even childish at times.


    Extroversion is one of the three "introvert/extravert" combinations that form the core of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) test.

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