Personality List

    Oono Makoto Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Oono Makoto? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Oono Makoto from Houkago Teibou Nisshi and what is the personality traits.

    Oono Makoto

    ISFP (9w1)

    Oono Makoto personality type is ISFP, which means that she is an ISTJ in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. She is a very quiet, shy person, but not to the point where she cannot have a conversation. She is also very dependable on the people she trusts. She is very kind, but has problems with being jealous of other people. She is also very supportive of her friends and family, but she will sometimes be quiet or shy because of her fear of being disliked or laughed at by others.

    She is also very intelligent, but will sometimes bluff her way through tests. She is also weak in sports, but can be athletic when she wants to be, sometimes due to her family's influence.

    She is also very strange, but her strange side is usually hidden behind her shyness.

    Oono Makoto is also very smart, but will sometimes say strange things that are not always true.

    Oono Makoto has many talents, but she does not always show it. She usually keeps these talents to herself. She does not like to show herself off for fear of being laughed at or disliked by others.

    She is also very sensitive, but will hide it behind her shyness.

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