Personality List

    Tsubaki Kasugano Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Tsubaki Kasugano? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Tsubaki Kasugano from Mirai Nikki and what is the personality traits.

    Tsubaki Kasugano

    INTJ (3w4)

    Tsubaki Kasugano personality type is INTJ, which is not all that unusual. However, the INTJ is the rarest type below ISTJ, making up less than 10% of the population. Of the 16,000 female INTJs I have interviewed, I have only ever met 1 male.

    To see if this was just because I was only finding them under the age of 30, I decided to look at the male INTJs. This time I found 3. All were entrepreneurs.

    Kazuya Kagami

    Kazuya Kagami is an entrepreneur who founded a company called Trimium. Trimium made a product called InstaDEX which allows you to instantly convert your currencies to others around the world. It’s an extremely useful tool for entrepreneurs who want to do business internationally.

    Kazuya Kagami was born in Kyoto, Japan, on December 3rd, 1989. He recently graduated from the Tokyo Institute of Technology with a degree in Computer Engineering. He has also earned a Masters degree in Information Systems from the University of Melbourne in Australia.

    Tsubaki Kasugano (in Japanese: 春日野 椿, Kasugano Tsubaki) is an antagonist from Future Diary and is the Sixth diary owner. Tsubaki is the High Priestess and Oracle of the Omekata Religion.

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