Personality List

    Alicia Lohmeyer Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Alicia Lohmeyer? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Alicia Lohmeyer from Code Geass and what is the personality traits.

    Alicia Lohmeyer

    ISTJ (1w9)

    Alicia Lohmeyer personality type is ISTJ, because she is a very reserved, practical, and practical individual. She likes to be sure that she has everything in order, and will often check and double-check to make sure she has done everything right. She does not like to be in a position where she might have to improvise. If she has done something wrong, it better be the last time she does it. Simple as that. She is very tidy and can be fastidious about her surroundings. She is usually very hard on herself, and does not like to make mistakes. She has her routines, and sticks to them.

    The ISTJ personality type is the "fixer" of the world, bringing order to chaos. They can be really good at organizing all kinds of things, but they are often so good at it that they become very critical of anything that is not done right. They are usually very set in their ways, and need to do things in certain ways. This is one of the reasons that ISTJ personalities are so good at doing things on their own. They are not always able to do them on their own, though.

    ISTJs are often quite controlling, and like to make sure that others are following the rules as well.

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