Personality List

    Grace Gianoukas Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Grace Gianoukas? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Grace Gianoukas from Actors & Actresses Latin America and what is the personality traits.

    Grace Gianoukas

    ENTP (7w6)

    Grace Gianoukas personality type is ENTP, and she is a natural linguist. This means that she has a very quick and expressive way of communicating her feelings and thoughts.

    Furthermore, Grace is also an empath, which is why she has such a strong connection to animals and their emotions. She is able to understand and feel their emotions and pain. This makes her very compassionate and empathetic.

    I've been given my personal insight into the mind of an ENTP and they are most certainly not what you would expect. They are highly intelligent and creative individuals who live in their own little world.

    ENTPs tend to be very curious and love to observe and study life. They usually love to learn new things and experience new things. They enjoy their life and enjoy helping others.

    They are natural explorers and always looking for new adventures and experiences. They can be at times very mischievous and playful, but they can also be some of the most loyal friends you'll ever have.

    I've read some of the most incredible books about ENTPs including The Millionaire Next Door, which is a great book about how some rich people live.

    Grace Gianoukas (Rio Grande, 9 de dezembro de 1963) é uma atriz, humorista, autora, diretora teatral e produtora teatral brasileira. Em 1984, transfere-se para São Paulo, onde escreveu vários textos para teatro, como a comédia "Não Quero Droga Nenhuma", que ficou cinco anos em cartaz, além de produzir vários projetos culturais com a Cia. Harpias e Mansfield, que fundou com Ângela Dip e Marcelo Mansfield, levando o teatro de humor para bares e casas noturnas. Depois de atuar em diversos espetáculos, como "O Amigo da Onça", de Chico Caruso, com direção de Paulo Betti, e "O Pequeno Mago", do grupo XPTO, trabalho que lhe rendeu o Prêmio do Ministério da Cultura de Melhor Atriz, criou um dos projetos que renovou o humor de São Paulo no início dos anos 2000: "Terça Insana", que permanece em cartaz. Na década de 1980, após as participações em Acre vai à Rússia, (Élcio Rossini) e Dias Felizes (Samuel Beckett) Grace fundou junto à Ângela Dip, a Cia Harpas.

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