Personality List

    Harvey Kurtzman Personality Type, MBTI

    What is the personality type of Harvey Kurtzman? Which MBTI personality type best fits? Personality type for Harvey Kurtzman from Artists Comics and what is the personality traits.

    Harvey Kurtzman

    ISTJ (5w6)

    Harvey Kurtzman personality type is ISTJ, while Bill Watterson is a type ISTP.

    The word “istj” refers to the letter “I”, and the letter “S”.

    The ISTJ personality type is represented by the letter “I”, and the number “2”.

    2 is the only number that has two letters.

    ISTJ is the number 2.

    The ISTJ personality type is referred to as “the guardian” by Carl G. Jung and Sigmund Freud.

    The ISTJ is an ethical and practical person, who is also quiet and observant, and is often described as “the responsible one”.

    3 of any letter sets of 3 will always add up to 13. Why? Well, you add the first 3 numbers in this set together and get the first 2 numbers in this set, and then add the second 2 numbers in this set and get the third number in this set. That's why the letter “3” has a special meaning: 3 of any letter sets of 3 will always add up to 13.

    Harvey Kurtzman (/ˈkɜːrtsmən/; October 3, 1924 – February 21, 1993) was an American cartoonist and editor. His best-known work includes writing and editing the parodic comic book Mad from 1952 until 1956, and illustrating the Little Annie Fanny strips in Playboy from 1962 until 1988. His work is noted for its satire and parody of popular culture, social critique, and attention to detail. Kurtzman's working method has been likened to that of an auteur, and he expected those who illustrated his stories to follow his layouts strictly.

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